
How to order

Please note: All Prices must be paid in German Marks (DM), because we can only charge this currency. Nevertheless the right most column shows the SRP (Suggested Retail Price) in US$. This is mainly a help for the conversion to your native curreny.
How to order  
Locale Dealers  
  Look for your local dealer.
Direct Order Choose on of the following methods:
  Send us a written order by mail, fax or e-mail.


Enclose a Eurocheck in German Marks (DM).


Transfer the amount to our Bank Account at
Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822, Swift-Code: FRASDEFF, Account: 71902.


Personal Cheque in DM. Add 30 DM if you are using Personal Cheque because the bank charges us this fee for cashing the cheque.


or send, fax, e-mail us your Visa/Master/Eurocard information (name, type of credit card, credit card number and expiry date).
Shipping Costs Please add this to your bill:
  30 DM for shipping outside Europe!
20 DM for shipping within Europe!

to order
Snail Mail HAAGE & PARTNER Computer GmbH
Mainzer Str. 10 A
61191 Rosbach
Phone +49 - 6007 - 93 00 50
Fax +49 - 6007 - 75 43
E-Mail sales@haage-partner.com
 ?!?   If you have any question about ordering our products or about our products, please feel free to ask us. We will try to answer it as soon as possible. Yes, I have a question.

© 1998 HAAGE & PARTNER Computer - http://www.haage-partner.com